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Racial Disparity Calculator

The Racial Equity Calculator is a preprogrammed Excel sheet that lets you quickly and easily calculate disparities in the proportion of Black and White students who receive office referrals, suspensions, or expulsions. The values can be used to determine if there are differences across groups in rates of exclusionary discipline and, if so, how big they are. The data can be shared with stakeholders and used to measure change from before and after an intervention. Contact Natasha Bowen at to obtain the Excel sheet. 

A Fun Place( grades 3-5 ), Behavior at School ( grades 3-5 ), Positive School Climate ( grades 6-12 ), School Behavior( grades 6-12 ), School Safety & Microthreats ( grades 6-12 )

Experiences of Racism Scale

The Experiences of Racism Scale has four items that capture students' perceptions of whether they are treated badly by teachers and other students at their school. They are also asked if they have experienced racism or if they feel uncomfortable at school because of their race. Information from this measure can help school social workers demonstrate the need for interventions to support diverse students by improving the racial climate of the school.

Positive School Climate ( grades 6-12 ), School Engagement & Belonging( grades 6-12 ), School Safety & Microthreats ( grades 6-12 ), Teacher Support ( grades 6-12 )

Worry About Stereotype Threat Scale

The Worry About Stereotype Threat Scale collects students' perceptions that they are being judged at school based on their race or ethnicity. It also captures worries that their behavior and performance, or the behavior or performance of other students in the racial/ethnic group, will fulfill negative stereotypes help by teachers and students at their school. Scores on the scale can help school staff know it strategies to reduce stereotyping at the school and the stereotype threat felt by students. 

Racial Fairness Scale

The Racial Fairness scale has 5 items about students' perceptions that students from all races are treated fairly at their school. Two questions refer specifically to fairness in discipline and fairness toward Black students, respectively.

Positive School Climate ( grades 6-12 ), School Safety & Microthreats ( grades 6-12 ), Self –Esteem( grades 6-12 ), Teacher Support ( grades 6-12 )

Bias Awareness Scale for Teachers

A 4-question measure that measures the awareness of White school staff of their personal biases towards Blacks. The measure can indicate to school social workers the level of need for professional development about reducing implicit biases and potentially harmful behaviors they can lead to. It also provides valuable information about how receptive school staff may be to strategies to reduce biases and to minimize the effects of biases on their disciplinary decisions in the classroom. 

A Fun Place( grades 3-5 ), Teachers Who Care ( grades 3-5 ), Positive School Climate ( grades 6-12 ), School Engagement & Belonging( grades 6-12 ), School Safety & Microthreats ( grades 6-12 ), Teacher Support ( grades 6-12 )

SCOFF Eating Disorder Screener

The SCOFF is a 5-item check list of signs of eating disorder and self-image. If students say Yes to 2 or more of the items, a more detailed assessment should be used. 

Physical Health & Weight ( grades 6-12 ), Self –Esteem( grades 6-12 )

Weight, Nutrition, and Exercise Scale

The Weight, Nutrition, and Exercise Scale collects information from students about their perceptions of their weight, whether they are trying to lose or gain weight, and whether they are using unhealthy strategies to lose weight. It also asks about their diet and exercise habits. 

Physical Health & Weight ( grades 6-12 ), Self –Esteem( grades 6-12 )

Stress Management Self-Efficacy Scale

The Stress Management Self-Efficacy Scale measures how well students feel they can handle difficulties and stressors in different parts of their lives, including home life, academics, teachers, friends, and finances. 

Family Togetherness and Support ( grades 6-12 ), Friends( grades 6-12 ), Future Orientation ( grades 6-12 ), Grades( grades 6-12 ), Isolation & Support( grades 6-12 ), School Engagement & Belonging( grades 6-12 ), Self –Esteem( grades 6-12 ), Teacher Support ( grades 6-12 )

Hope Scale

The Hope Scale measures students' feelings that they are doing well, can reach their goals, and can handle problems. It could be used when working with students about their self-esteem, self-efficacy, and hopes for the future.

Future Orientation ( grades 6-12 ), Self –Esteem( grades 6-12 )

CRAFFT 2.1 Widely used universal screener for alcohol, substances, cigarettes, vapes

The CRAFFT Screening Tool is a very brief, high-quality screening tool for adolescents’ use of alcohol and other substances, including nicotine (cigarettes and vapes). The document here is a guide to using the CRAFFT tool provides instructions for administering it, interpreting results, and talking to adolescents about responses (examples and scripts are provided). Treatment options are also provided. School professionals can administer the questionnaire to youth, or youth can complete a self-report version. The questionnaires are provided in the manual.

Physical Health & Weight ( grades 6-12 ), School Behavior( grades 6-12 ), Self –Esteem( grades 6-12 )