Portfolio of Success for Students on Suspension at Alternative School
The Portfolio of Success is a binder of activities and accomplishments created by students attending alternative school programs during long-term suspension. Students work with teachers, parents, and the school social worker (or other mental health professional) to record academic progress, behavior plans and accomplishments, creative work and other experiences in the program. The portfolio is designed to help their transition back to the regular school setting.
Behavior at School
( grades 3-5 ), Good Attendance( grades 3-5 ), Parent Education Involvement( grades 3-5 ), Positive Feelings About Self
( grades 3-5 ), Reading and Math Performance
( grades 3-5 ), Tries to Be a Good Learner
( grades 3-5 ), Grades( grades 6-12 ), Home Support for Education
( grades 6-12 ), School Behavior( grades 6-12 ), School Engagement & Belonging( grades 6-12 ), Self –Esteem( grades 6-12 )