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Change the Conversation! The SSP and ESSP online surveys and results (profiles) provide schools with understanding of the social settings and experiences that affect their school behavior and performance. We call these settings the “social environment.” The SSP for middle and high school students and the ESSP for 3rd through 5th graders help schools understand students’ experiences in their neighborhoods, schools, friendships, and families. The surveys also ask students about their health and well-being. Interactive colorful profiles convey to school personnel strengths and needs of all students, individual students, and groups of students.

The SSP 2020 and its profiles are now available for use by schools. There is no cost for schools to use the survey and its user-friendly graphical profiles.
The new ESSP is also now available for use by schools. The ESSP and its profiles are also free.
Contact Natasha K. Bowen at to get set up to use the SSP 2020 or the new ESSP with your students.

SSP and ESSP profiles are the starting point for data-driven decision-making about how best to help all students succeed in school. Conversations about how to help students change from a focus on academic and behavior problems to include how to remove social environmental barriers to success. We are building many other free resources to support decision-making, including searchable databases with:

  • Descriptions of school-based interventions that map onto SSP and ESSP results
  • Snapshots of research findings that school personnel need to know about
  • Information about and ready-to-use copies of free outcome measures for practice.

The ESSP 2020 is a rigorously tested, state-of-the-art survey for 3rd through 5th graders. It collects data from children, their caregivers, and their teachers and combines them into colorful interactive profiles. The ESSP 2020 is an updated version of the original ESSP and includes the latest technology for online data collection and interacting with online results.

The SSP 2020 is a new and improved version of the well-established self-report SSP survey for middle and high school students. The new version is shorter and uses simpler language. Colorful, interactive graphical profiles convey strengths and needs of adolescents using the latest technology for displaying and interacting with online results.

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